Phoebe & Mr. Chen



婚禮日期: 28 Mar 2014

Sunflower Travel:

我們由衷感謝兩位給予機會, 在此對我們表示如此高度的讚揚, 真心希望我們的用心服務可以為客人留下美好深刻又難忘的印象!! 同時, 兩位亦讓我們體驗到這份工作最大的成就感, 謝謝推薦。但願我們更多的客人亦有跟您一樣的心聲,祝永遠幸福快樂。

Q1: At the initial stage of your planning, what kind of wedding were you looking for?
A: I have always wanted an oversea wedding just because I want something different. I do not like big wedding. A small, intimate ceremony in a simple, elegant chapel would do the tricks for me.
Q2: Why did you choose Okinawa as you wedding destination?
A: My initial destination was Guam, but it was easier for my relatives to travel to Japan than Guam. So I started looking at Japan wedding destination and Okinawa came across and it didn't take me long to decide my final destination.
Q3: How did you find out about Sunflower Travel’s wedding packages?
A: I had contacted two different wedding agencies before Sunflower. These two wedding agencies are well known in HK as well. However, during the first few communications we exchanged, they did not show me enough attention I seek for in regards to my wedding. I believe everyone's wedding is just as important as others and if they did not give me the feelings that they care, I'd rather go find another agency. And this is how I ended up speaking with Ms. Debbie Lam at Sunflower, whom also coordinated my friend's wedding at Guam.
Q4: What is your overall experience with Sunflower Travel?
A: Beyond expectation. From start to finish, everything is just well organized and coordinated. First time I spoke with Debbie, my wedding consultant, I could tell she was the one I should choose. She gave me extensive amount of details for my wedding with just the first phone call. And throughout the few months before my wedding, Debbie helped me a lot with the whole wedding coordination. She is very patience, extremely responsive to all my emails/ phone calls, and she is very detail oriented. I admire her work ethnic and professionalism dearly. Also, Watabe had provided such great services on my wedding day as well. Their wedding coordinators were very close attention to details, the wedding rehearsal, the actual ceremony, photography, everything was well planned and thought through. I honestly have nothing negative to say about Sunflower and Watabe superb services. They both made my wedding day special and memorable for a lifetime. I would highly recommend everyone who is interested in doing oversea wedding to go to Sunflower first.
Q5: Your wedding was held in the new chapel Marine Bijou. What is your impression of it?
A: The chapel is new establishment which is one of the reasons I chose Marine Bijou. Also, from looking at the pictures on Sunflower's website, they gave me the vision on how I want my wedding to be whereas other chapels do not give me the same vision as I wanted to be. This is when I know Marine Bijou is the one. If I do have to make one negative comment, it will be Kise Hotel as it is just too old to match up this beautiful chapel.
Q6: Are there any funny/unforgettable moments during your wedding?
A:The coordinators at Marine Bijou rehearsed with us before the actual ceremony. However, when the actual ceremony came, we forgot half of the things we supposed to remember, like how to pose, where to walk, how my father passed my hand to my husband. To me this is not bad coordination, this is the little things I will cherish for the special moment.
Q7: Would you recommend Marine Bijou Chapel to your friends?
A: Absolutely, without hesitation.

Samantha & Andy


婚禮日期: 28 Mar 2014

Sunflower Travel:

很高興您們回港後向我們分享這次旅程, 大家都興奮不已, 樂而忘返, 對此我們也大感滿足呢!! 因為我們主要的工作除了為新人籌備好所有的婚禮細節外, 還需要照顧其同行親友的安排, 例如按人數建議合適舒服的行程, 讓每位都既可輕鬆參加婚禮, 同時享受豐富的行程。

Joe & Debbie


婚禮日期: 26 Mar 2014

Sunflower Travel:

很開心您們都愛上沖繩這個地方, 那裡的陽光與海灘真的很無敵!! 加上兩位最終選擇的教堂: Marine Bijou除了是一間新建成的教堂外, 伴著特別藍的海浪漫宣誓, 相信連觀禮的賓客們都讚嘆不已。如果您們身邊有朋友都有海外婚禮或旅遊的需要, 請讓我們知道吧。我們一定盡心盡力服務的, 新婚快樂!! (笑)

Ms Sun & Mr Ho

在Marine Bijou行禮嘅整體感覺好好,來觀禮的親友們都話好感動。有機會希望再到沖繩玩!

婚禮日期: 13 Nov 2013

Sunflower Travel:

Marine Bijou 是間很特別的教堂, 很多新人回來都說喜歡它的現場氣氛很warm很舒服, 對著超藍的海洋, 跟親蜜的一家人分享喜悅, 會特別感動!! 聽到您們各人都滿意今次的旅程,對我們來說真是很大的鼓勵,我們會繼續努力的!! 也期待兩位再找我們計劃沖繩之旅喔~!!!

Ms Chao & Mr Leung


婚禮日期: 13 Nov 2013

Sunflower Travel:
